Moot Court at UL Lafayette
Want a chance to improve your public speaking skills and build your resume? Check out the nationally ranked Moot Court team at UL Lafayette!
Established in 2015, UL Lafayette is home to the first, and only nationally competitive moot court team in Louisiana.
What is Moot Court? 
Moot Court is simulated Supreme Court oral arguments. Students act as attorneys presenting an argument before a panel of attorneys and judges acting as Supreme Court justices.
As students present their arguments, the panel interrupts them to ask them questions and the students must use their extemporaneous speaking skills and their legal reasoning skills to answer those questions.
We compete as part of the American Moot Court Association (AMCA) and the Texas Undergraduate Moot Court Association (TUMCA).
Why Join?
Improve your communication skills.
Our students learn to read carefully, write effectively, and present persuasive arguments.
Improve your resume.
Moot Court demonstrates to potential employers and graduate schools that you have research and communication skills.
Decide if you're interested in law school.
Moot Court is one of the activities that most law schools require so this can give you an up-close look at the skills you would use in law school.
Earn scholarships to law school.
Moot Court participants have been offered full tuition scholarships to all 4 of the major law schools in Louisiana and have earned almost $200,000 in scholarship to law schools outside of Louisiana.
Tryouts for 2019-2020
Join the Moot Court team!
Tryouts are Monday, May 6, and Tuesday, May 7, at 4 p.m.
Want to know more?
Contact Dr. Kinzie Hall at
Follow us:
Competitor Resources
Calendar: Spring 2019
Spring 2019 Practices
Mondays and Tuesdays at 4 p.m. in Mouton Hall.
- UC-Hastings School of Law, San Fransisco, TX February 9
- SMU Dedmann School of Law, Dallas, TX Feburary 15-16
- UL Lafayette Spring Showcase, March 22
The problem and cases
This year's problem includes a 14th Amendment Equal Protection Issue and a 1st Amendment Free Speech Issue.
Download the problem and cases information.
Tournament Results
Fall 2018
TUMCA Invitational - St Mary's University College of Law, San Antonio TX
- 1st place speaker: Alyssa Canova
- 2nd place speaker: Hunter Ahia
TUMCA Invitational - Baylor University, Waco, TX
- 10th place speaker: Daniel Tercero
- Quarter finalist: Canova/Ahia
- Semi finalist: Tercero/Netto
'49er Classic Invitational - CalState - Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
- 5th place speaker: Alissa Netto
- Quarter finalist: Canova/Ahia
Texas A&M University School of Law - Ft. Worth, TX
- 5th place speaker: Alissa Netto
- Finalist and national qualifier: Tercero/Netto
Southern University College of Law - Baton Rouge, LA
- Semi finalist and national qualifier: Canova/Ahia